"The magic you are looking for is in the work you're avoiding”
Not addressing this issue may be costing you more than you realize—impacting not just your life, but also your family, career, and long-term health. Getting expert help now can make a significant difference. If this feels like a critical moment, envision the support and the positive outcomes awaiting on the other side. Let’s begin this journey together and start making progress
TASTER SESSION: This is a 50 mins session offered at a reduced rate of £25 where we can talk about what you want to work with to see if we are a good fit for your best outcome.
DURATION: I suggest a commitment of at least 8 sessions. Real changes require deep and meaningful work. However, sometimes we go through some crisis or specific difficult events, when we need immediate help and support, for a shorter period of time. Please reach out to me and we can discuss your needs and decide on the best path for you.
FREQUENCY: Sessions are weekly and at regular times. You will have a slot that is only yours: same day, same time, every week. If your needs are different, please let me know and I will try to arrange sessions that are suitable to both of us.
CONFIDENTIALITY: Our work is absolutely confidential. I follow the 'BACP Ethical Framework' (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy) and everything discussed in therapy is private and confidential.
BOOSTER: One-off sessions & longer sessions (90 minutes): Sometimes you feel you need a boost, someone to talk to and to reset your mind and direction. I offer longer sessions as a one-off session. Or, along regular therapy, you might wish an extra long session to help you in critical moments, when you need extra support and time to attend and resolve specific needs. Please enquiry.